Robonzo with podcasting gear and coffee, wearing white tee-shirt and glasses, Why I Podcast

Why I Podcast

Robonzo with podcasting gear and coffee, wearing white tee-shirt and glasses, Why I Podcast
My first year of podcasting was done from El Valle de Anton, Panama

Update: 18 Apr 2022

This is the 30-second / elevator pitch version.

I started my first podcast, because a mentor said I needed to start one. I immediately got into the art of the interview and asking better questions. Then I found that I love connecting with and learning from others (my guests). But it’s sharing the conversations that brings me the most joy. The very idea that these conversations help other independent business owners move the needle of their endeavors is what drives me. I find it a thrill to uncover often elusive insights that so many business owners have within themselves.

Now that I’ve done this, I’m feeling the need to zoom out and look contemplate why I do anything.

28 February 2022 (Where I began)

Friend and mentor Lynz Crichton recently challenged me to dig into my “why.” That is why I do what I do. The question of why we do what we do is said to be the lynch pin to finding success in what we do. Yet it’s a question I’ve never really dug into. Shame on me.

So why do I podcast?

I started a podcast, because a mentor said I needed to start a podcast. It didn’t take long to fall in love with the art of the interview and asking better questions. I also actually enjoy the editing and production parts. But I also quickly discovered is that I love connecting with business owners and music professionals, and I especially love the opportunity to learn from them. Yet it’s sharing my conversations with others that brings me the most joy. The idea that others find these conversations helpful and inspiring is an amazing feeling.

To date I’ve interviewed so many people that I’ve become intrigued with the idea of digging a little deeper into past episodes for the purpose of creating compilation episodes reflection and insight. This deep dive will also likely serve as fodder for a new edition of my Unstarving Musician’s Guide To Getting Paid Gigs book.

But why do I continue doing it? Podcasting is hard and it’s time consuming. The answer is that I love it, and as Lynz noticed, I’m allured by the hunt. The hunt for nuggets of insight that help other independent musicians and the entrepreneurial types move the needle of their business and creative lives. I’m not only allured by it all, I’m invigorated.

To be continued…