Running a Seasonal Business | Gretchen Bell

Running a Seasonal Business with Gretchen Bell (Ep 20)

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Running a Seasonal Business | Gretchen BellIn this episode I speak with Gretchen Bell. She and her husband are doing a second act in their career as expats in Loreto, Mexico. Their venture involves real estate and a wine bar. We talk about the wanderlust idea that took them from California to Mexico, working with local artisans and the careful planning of a seasonal business.

Gretchen is a veteran of the San Francisco Bay Area real estate world. In recent years, she and her husband fell in love with Loreto, Mexico. While it wasn’t all planned out, now they own rental property and a charming historical building in downtown Loreto – the new location of Gitano’s Wine Bar.


We start the episode by talking about how Gretchen came to start working in Mexico and go on to discuss:

  • How the idea of a wine bar came from their early dating days
  • The process of sourcing local wine
  • The challenges of importing products
  • Creating a strong customer experience
  • Designing the WOW factor into your business
  • Managing staffing for seasonal businesses
  • Their approach to financing Gitano’s


No matter the business – prioritize your customer experience above everything.

Careful planning is key with seasonal businesses. Know your needs in terms of product sourcing and staffing.


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