Helping Freelance Web Designers Niche Down | Jason Resnick

Helping Freelance Web Designers Niche Down–Jason Resnick (Ep 6)

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Helping Freelance Web Designers Niche Down | Jason ResnickJason Resnick is a freelance web developer who has figured out how to create a sustainable freelance business. Now he’s building a second arm to that business by helping other freelancers do the same. Jason’s big secret and advice to other freelancers–specialize, niche down.

Jason admits that this specialize and niche down approach didn’t come to him right away. In fact his journey has included working for someone else, freelancing, back to working working for someone else, and back to freelancing again. In our conversation for this podcast episode, Jason explains how he made this important shift and what it’s meant to his business.

Host of Two Podcasts

Jason hosts two podcasts for freelancers. His seasonal Live in the Feast podcast hones in on a specific topic each season. This is totally inline with his niche down approach to business. Live in the Feast features interviews with other business owners and explores origin stories, struggles, and strategy.

Then there’s his daily podcast Ask Rezzz, on which Jason fields freelancer questions. He describes this one is a bit more raw in its presentation. Ask Rezz deals with wide range of freelancer topics and challenges. It’s a daily dose of Rezzz (aka Resnick) focused on helping other freelancers build profitable businesses.

Jason has a cool story and a cool business. As a big fan of WordPress I really enjoyed speaking with him about his business. He shared some great tips for both business and life. I hope you’ll enjoy our conversation as much as I did.


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