Aligning Business, Dreams and Financial Goals | Duleep Pillai

Aligning Business, Dreams and Financial Goals–Duleep Pillai (Ep 2)

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Aligning Business, Dreams and Financial Goals | Duleep PillaiDuleep’s company Veltec Networks provides fully managed IT services for businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area. I met Duleep through Partner4Leads around 2014/2015, and he’s been a referral group member ever since. I really enjoy talking business with Duleep, as I have a professional background in IT. He’s a sharp guy and a very nice guy.  I’ve had the pleasure of watching his business grow since we met. In our brief conversation for the podcast, we talk about his motivation to start Veltec Networks, and how he’s built his team.

Duleep started the San Francisco Bay Area stint of his career in 1999. He was a corporate network engineer. Soon thereafter he went out on his own to pursue personal dreams and goals. Veltec Networks began as a one-man show consulting company. When the time was right, Duleep made the move to a managed services model. He initially handled marketing, sales, tech support, and accounting. As his client base grew, Duleep started outsourcing some of these responsibilities. He started with marketing and soon thereafter hired a part-time contractor for tech related work.

Outsourcing parts of the business

Duleep has pursued his business in a manner that aligns with his emotional fulfillment and financial needs. The key motivation for outsourcing and building a team was a no-brainer in Duleep’s words. He initially outsourced parts of the business in which he lacked expertise. Even his first tech contractor had a different set of skills than those that Duleep possessed. Veltec Networks now has multiple highly talented technical engineers.

On the marketing front, his team handles email newsletters and the Valtec Networks website. His marketing partner is a company that comes from a managed services background, so they understand his business well. I’ve not yet asked Duleep if that was planned or fortuitous. In any case, it makes total sense.

Today, Veltec has two full-time people for helpdesk and software development. Duleep says felt good when he hired for these two positions, but admits that hiring the right people wasn’t easy.  The San Francisco Bay Area is a vast pool of tech talent, plus the cost of living is very high. Bringing on an entry level person requires decent salary. His secret is to hire people who aspire to grow, and who are willing to learn.

Duleep’s advice to anyone that wants to get into IT is be willing to learn. He points out that technology is continually evolving, and constant learning is a must. His recommended learning resources: reading and YouTube.

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