Website maintenance | Code, software, plugins, Wordpress, design, development

WordPress Website Maintenance

All websites need to be maintained.  As a WordPress website designer, I’m going to focus here on WordPress website maintenance, but understand that the basic principles apply to websites of all architectures and frameworks.  It’s also good to understand that this is not unique to custom websites.  If you chose to create your own site on something like Wix or Squarespace, they are also doing site maintenance, which is part of why there’s a monthly fee associated with these platforms.  With that out of the way, let’s touch on what website maintenance is all about.

Website maintenance | Code, software, plugins, WordPress, design, developmentFirst, there’s a lot of software at work with any website.  This software is comprised of many components, from many different software developers.  Sounds a little like a Windows based computer, doesn’t it?  The software components at work on a website are regularly updated for a variety of reasons which include security improvements, feature enhancements, and bug fixes.  Without getting too techie, the short list of working parts that require updates and maintenance include WordPress, plugins, and themes.

Next, there are functional and search related components that require regular attention.  Examples of functional and search related components are checking for broken links, spam mitigation and removal, backups, and content.  Link and content maintenance help keep your site in good working shape and on Google’s good side.  Spam removal is part of ridding your site of unnecessary baggage.  Like with your personal computer, routine backups protect you against total loss.

What’s the Frequency Kenneth?

That was a random reference to an R.E.M. song by the same name.  What I meant to say is, “What’s the frequency requirement?”  In other words, what does a website maintenance schedule look like?  It’s a monthly affair in reality, but it’s not the same every month.  Other facets of a healthy website include checking site statistics, updating images, trying new themes to freshen up your websites appearance, adding new content, and more.

Morning Tempo currently offers 60 days of free support to our website clients.  We also offer ongoing monthly maintenance packages starting at $29 a month.  Whether or not your site is maintained by Morning Tempo, it needs to be maintained.  Check with your designer or host provider to find out if they offer ongoing maintenance options.  Don’t make the mistake of spending time and money for a new website and then forgetting about it.  This would be like buying a car and never changing the oil, or buying a new computer and never applying any of the recommended updates.