Origin Stories For Meaningful Connections in Business | Lori Lee

Origin Stories for Meaningful Connections in Business and Life–Lori Lee (Ep 14)

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Origin Stories For Meaningful Connections in Business | Lori LeeLori Lee is dedicated to teaching professionals how to find, craft and tell their origin, value and change-and-learning stories for more meaningful connection in business and life. Her Love Your Story podcast focuses on sharing stories and tools for creating our best life stories, so we are living with hope and intention. Lori is an author, Realtor, and a public speaker.


Here are the highlights of our conversation.

  • Lori’s inspiration for Love Your Story podcast and how it came to be
  • Lori talks about the concept of story, what Love Your Story podcast is all about, and who it’s for
  • How stories help in getting ideas across, hitting target markets, and connecting with the right audience
  • The impact of origin stories and how they can help us build businesses
  • How you can develop a process for telling your origin story
  • Lori and I share parts of our own origin stories
  • Lorie elaborates on her book, L.I.F.E. (Live Intentional and Fearless Everyday)
  • The value story explained, and how it relates to our origin story
  • Lori and I discuss her 21 life challenges tool, and how it can help us develop value in our stories


  1. The key to loving your own story lies in the origin.
  2. One cannot be successful and effective if you cannot come to terms with loving yourself and what you do.
  3. The habits and small acts of kindness we do each day help integrate value in our stories and define our outcome.


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BONUS CONTENT (Follow-up Q & A with Lori)

Roberto: If you were starting your entrepreneurial journey over from the beginning, what would you do differently?

Lori: “I would check my ego more. I would try to include more prayer and more focus on serving.”

Roberto: What habits or routines have best served you throughout your entrepreneurial journey?

Lori: “Gratitude journaling and gratitude prayers… Also time blocking.”

Roberto: What has helped you most in building community around your business?

Lori: “Helping/serving others – looking outward.”

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