Louise Brogan, Social Bee Northern Ireland, Linking In with Louise

Linking In With Louise Brogan (Ep 35)

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Louise Brogan, Social Bee Northern Ireland, Linking In with LouiseLouise Brogan of SocialBee is on a mission to teach others how to build businesses with LinkedIn. We met at Youpreneur Summit 2017 in London, but recently reconnected at Podcast Movement Virtual 2020, where she was a speaker.

In this conversation, Louise and I talk about some of the finer points of building a LinkedIn network, new features in the LinkedIn app and website, how she’s using LinkedIn in her own business, and much more.

Follow Louise on LinkedIn where she regularly posts free content on how to use LinkedIn.

Mentioned in this Episode

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This is the Morning Tempo podcast. I’m your host, Robonzo. On this podcast, I have conversations with business owners and the entrepreneurial with the slant toward creativity. It’s an opportunity for you to learn, with me, from people who are finding success in the business world, all intended to make your entrepreneurial journey a little bit easier.

Robonzo 0:24
Thank you for joining me for another episode. I am speaking in this episode with Louise Brogan up Social Bee. That’s Bee as in creating a buzz about your business. But before we do that, I want to ask how are you experiencing any pandemic fatigue like me? If I’m being honest with you, I am experiencing a little fatigue over this. But hey, I’m healthy. My wife’s healthy, my family’s healthy. We’re all relatively happy. So that’s a good thing. I hope the same is true for you. If you want to let me know. You can find all my contact info at MorningTempo.com or @robonzodrummer on the socials. I really want to hear from you. So Louise is on a mission to teach others how to build business with LinkedIn. We met or became acquainted at podcast movement virtual, formerly podcast movement 2020, where she is a speaker. We believe we actually met at Youpreneur Summit back in 2017, which was held in London, England. That was probably a brief meeting, a brief encounter, so I don’t think either one of us were sure about that. We talked about some of the finer points of building a network of prospective clients and people you actually like, using LinkedIn, as well as new features in the LinkedIn app and website such as LinkedIn stories and LinkedIn live. Those were both new to me, especially LinkedIn stories. I’m behind the times, man. Louise also details some of the ways she’s using LinkedIn in her business. And we talked a little about, a little about repurposing content and a whole lot more. So without further ado, here is me and Louise Brogan.

Interview begins:

Robonzo 2:15
Well, thank you for making time for me. I appreciate it. And I was intrigued when I encountered you on, what are they calling that swipe no uh? Is it swipe card? Is that the platform that they’re using that for podcast movement virtual?

Louise Brogan 2:30
I’m not sure…

Robonzo 2:31
Well, by the way, so for those of you listening, we met online here this week, as I’m recording, as we’re recording this episode, as we’re both attending or attendees or ticket holders of podcast movement. 2020. [Yes.] And we’re doing the virtual thing in what is this October of 2020? Yeah…

Louise Brogan 2:51
Yes, it’s the 17 month of this year.

Robonzo 2:55
Yeah. The lost year, I think it’s gonna go down as, but, yeah. So as soon as I logged into the platform, I think it’s called swipe card. You were commenting on it before we got officially rolling here. But yeah, it’s it’s set up for some nice socializing. And I ran across you and the LinkedIn work that you do was intriguing. I’ve and because, well, for a couple of reasons. I mean, LinkedIn has gone through a number of changes in, I’ll call it the last couple years, maybe longer, actually, you know, they’re always going through changes. But there’s been some remarkable things that have happened in the last couple years. And I have had a guest on here who talked about video for LinkedIn. He is also in the UK like yourself. Yeah, yeah. So I thought it would be really fun to talk about what you’re doing. I love, by the way, maybe you can comment on these things. But I love these kind of tagline things that you have on both social and on your website for linking in with Louise and learn how to leverage LinkedIn. So what are those? What are those things mean for you in your business?

Louise Brogan 3:59
So yeah, I love a good bit of alliteration. And so yeah, basically, I help people understand how to use LinkedIn. So a lot of people listening probably have a LinkedIn account that they had from way back when it kind of launched. And a lot of the clients that I work with, when when these come to me, and they say, Oh, I got, I don’t even know if I know my login for LinkedIn is, and I’m like, you know, I kind of feel like I’m on a one woman mission to get people to look at LinkedIn in a different light, especially business owners. And because it’s the social media platform that people go to, to talk about business. And I think LinkedIn’s own marketing email says something similar, and, and it’s really about building a network on there of potential customers and clients, but also a network that you really like, and then leveraging that for business in terms of building relationships Roberto, not in terms of, you know, going straight for the jugular and say, here’s my seals offer and come and work with us. Doesn’t work. Like it still doesn’t work that way. But LinkedIn themselves have put in so many features this year alone that make it such an interesting place to be. And, you know, we just got LinkedIn stories in the UK, literally this week.

Robonzo 5:21
What? I didn’t even know about this.

Louise Brogan 5:23
Yes. Have you got LinkedIn stories?

Robonzo 5:26
I don’t know. Let me check really quick. As we’re talking, just keep on going. I’m gonna look.

Unknown Speaker 5:30
So yeah, LinkedIn stories. It’s only, you’re gonna get it on your mobile app, you can’t get it on your desktop,

Robonzo 5:34
Well, hey, I’m not gonna find out, then I’ll have to get the app later.

Louise Brogan 5:37
Yeah, we’d have to check. Check later, it rolled out in America and Canada, I think about two weeks ago, came to UK this week. And I actually talked to the guy who’s behind the rollout, which is really cool. LinkedIn, the staff at LinkedIn are very approachable, and they’re very… If you connect with one of them, you know, like, I think it seems to be a nice place to work, which I like about it as well, that sounds a bit corny, but it does seem to be and that the staff that I’ve come into contact with are really nice, and they seem to enjoy working there. But LinkedIn stories are there. And there’s LinkedIn live, and I’m doing LinkedIn live in a couple of hours time. And there are video posts, you can send video, you can set up a zoom call inside LinkedIn messenger. And so like if you contacted me and said, Oh, Louise, I’m really interested in learning more about LinkedIn. Could we could we have a chat about it? I could say, yes. When? and if you said you Tuesday at 10, I can actually create the zoom and schedule a zoom call inside my messenger on LinkedIn.

Robonzo 6:47
That’s pretty cool.

Louise Brogan 6:49
Lots of, tons of new features.

Robonzo 6:50
And do you know if that particular feature is the app only? Or is that also on the web app?

Louise Brogan 6:56
That is also on desktop? Because I was doing a training with a I think you’re in Texas, aren’t you?

Robonzo 7:03
Well, I’m from Fort Worth, Texas. I spent a number of years there and I met my wife in Texas. And we also spent a number of years in Silicon Valley right down the road, you know, from LinkedIn, practically. And, and now I’m in Panama, my wife and I are in Panama since 2016. And so…

Louise Brogan 7:19
Oh wow!

Robonzo 7:20
I saw your eyes get big.

Louise Brogan 7:23
That’s cool. And so I was working with a team yesterday and from San Antonio, Texas. [Lovely place.] Yeah, well, I’ve never been. Anywhere sunny, it’s just good for me. I live in Northern Ireland. It’s you know, it’s sunny today, but it’s not very warm. And warm and sunny is a big appeal for us. But yeah, so we were just we were able to set up one of these zoom calls inside and the messenger on on the desktop. So yes, you can do that on desktop as well.

Robonzo 7:52
That’s cool. Well speaking of sunny I don’t know the cost comparison from where you are but Panama is a lovely place to visit for sunshine as well. So if you ever get the…

Louise Brogan 8:03
Could be on… So my husband and I already agreed that whenever the kids get older and go off to uni like we’re you know, we’ve so many trips planned. I could, I could, I can work anywhere. I could you literally just get a camper van, or a motorhome? I don’t know what you call a Winnebago in America.

Robonzo 8:20
Yeah, yeah, all of those work.

Louise Brogan 8:22
And we’l just travel everywhere. You know, we’ll travel across Europe, we’ll go to America, coast to coast. We’ll go to Canada. We have to come to Panama now too.

Robonzo 8:33
That would be great. Well, if you make it here, you must ping me so we can get together for coffee or whatever. So did I see right? That and… Yeah. Did I see right that you’re actually a speaker at podcast movement?

Louise Brogan 8:45
Yes, I am. Yes. I’m on a panel. And it’s a panel called how not to get your pitch deleted when you are pitching podcasts. That’s not the actual title. But it’s about not getting your pitch deleted when you pitch podcasts to be a guest.

Robonzo 9:00
Oh, wow. Did the session already happen? Well, I guess it was pre recorded yes or no?

Louise Brogan 9:05
No no, it’s it’s live. Live on Tuesday. [Okay, cool.] So it’s coming up on Tuesday. And then on Thursday, I am participating in an online game called quip lash as well. {Okay. Okay, cool.] Like a breakout session. That’s going to be interesting.

Robonzo 9:23
I look forward to watching the one on Tuesday and I will check out this other one too. So that’s a great topic. I think you don’t have to be in podcasting too long to realize there are all these things you must do to get it out there. And that guesting is a really powerful tool. But yeah, so you know, we were talking about my Unstarving Musician podcast as well and you thought you were going to be on that one, but pleasant surprise, it’s on a small business podcast. So it’s a little more maybe a little more appropriate. But I have seen a number of pro musicians lately, some of my you know idols, on LinkedIn regularly To me, that’s saying that they’re working with either their labels or, probably not PR, but but they’re getting a little influence that’s saying, Hey, this is a great place for you to be in this stage of your career. Now, a lot of these these ones that I’ve seen, they’re not exclusively like touring musicians, which nobody is at the moment, but they’re doing other things like they might be speaking, they are doing clinics. Or maybe they’re doing mentoring, high end music lessons, these kind of things. Yeah, have you have you ever seen any of these folks?

Louise Brogan 10:33
Uh no, but I’m completely going to go and look after this. And so my idol, my music idol is Bruce Springsteen. And considering he just had an emoji made for him on Twitter this week, and he didn’t really know what it was. I don’t think he’s gonna be on LinkedIn.

Robonzo 10:50
I don’t think he is. I don’t think he is, you know, you’re kind of Well, I think when you find some and if you want to see some examples, you let me know. And I’ll send you a couple that I’ve run into. [Yes.] I mean, there were first some that I wasn’t acquainted with them as an music artist or musician, but I was acquainted with some of their work. And then there were some I was like, there was this guy that came on recently, like, Oh, my God, I saw you like, I think on three different occasions, way back long ago. And it’s so nice to connect with you. And the other cool thing about them is, for whatever reason, they’re just super easy to connect with. But I suppose that comes a little bit with how long we’ve been on LinkedIn, and how we approach people to connect, which is another great thing I’d love to hear you talk about. I was looking at your podcast. [Yes.] And there’s a lot of great topics, but I’m betting either it was on your podcast or blog, there was something about how to connect with people, how not to on LinkedIn. Talk a little bit about that?

Louise Brogan 11:45
Yes, absolutely. I’m firmly in the camp of connecting people and personalizing your invitation. So when you connect with somebody, you’re doing it because you want, because you actually want to be connected to that person. And you send them a note to add a note to your invitation to connect, explaining why you want to connect with them. And there’s several reasons behind this. But first of all, you get so many connection requests where there’s no note and you don’t really know why the person is connecting with you, and makes you bit wary, sometimes, especially if you haven’t heard of them before, you might think they’re gonna jump straight into your sales pitch. But when you send a note to somebody to connect, they’re quite likely to reply to your note. And suddenly, you’re in a one to one conversation with that person, which completely changes the dynamic of your relationship. So at the moment, I have about 5000 connections on LinkedIn. So you can imagine if I get three or four connection requests today, and one of them has a note, and three, the other two don’t have a note, the two that don’t have a note if I decide to accept them into my network, because they look like the kind of people that I potentially work with, or I’m interested in what they’re talking about. And they fall into my group of 5000. But the person who sent the note, I’m going to read that note, I’m going to actually go and look at their profile to see what it is they do. And then I reply to them. So you are putting yourself so far down the road of getting to know somebody and them getting to know you. And just by that simple adding a note. And I think that’s really, really important.

Robonzo 13:19
What about the after connecting? I’ve had a little bit of conversation with people in the past about this, what is your? I don’t know if there’s a generic recommendation. But what about like, so you connected with me or I, let’s say it’s the other way around, I connected with you on LinkedIn, I sent a nice note. Then what?

Louise Brogan 13:37
So depending on what you said in the note, so far, I’ve got a lot of people to connect with me. And this week, I’ve had a lot of people from podcast movement connect with me. And they will say something like, Oh, I I saw your name, the speaking of podcast move and like to connect with you. So I will, generally I’ll thank them for that. And, you know, if there’s anything I can help you with, just let me know, depending on the timing, so for example, I have a webinar coming up next week, which is free. And from Monday, if someone connects with me with a note, I will and they just say, Oh, I’m learning about LinkedIn, I heard you a podcast or blah, blah, blah. I’ll say, you know, I’ve got free training this week. If you want to sign up for it, you know, feel free. Here’s the link. That is as salesy as I get in the messaging, but if somebody connects, if I, if I… the whole strategy around it, Roberto, it’s a lot deeper than this. But generally, if I see someone has looked at my profile, and they look like the perfect fit for me, so for example, I’ve done a lot of work recently with financial services companies. And somebody who is sales and marketing director for financial services company has looked at my LinkedIn profile. I have premium so I can see who’s looked at my profile. We haven’t connected yet, but I see that there. They have, they were both connected to somebody else that I worked with or somebody I knew, I would send them a connection request and just send them an email, explain why I’m connecting with them. You know, I see we’re both connected to Alex, and you’re working in financial services, it’s great to meet you. I’d like to add you to my network, they might, they might not reply, they may reply. But if I am being strategic about this, I will then look out for them posting on LinkedIn. Or I’ll go to their profile and see when did they last post what they post about. And I leave a comment under their posts. That is, like a proper genuine comment, not a Oh, good news, or congratulations or something, something that really starts a conversation because the whole ethos of how I work with people on LinkedIn is about starting conversations. The way I write a post is about opening up conversations. When I’m messaging people, it’s opening up conversations. If I comment on someone’s post, it’s about starting conversation with that person. And they might not be looking for support or work with me right now. But as I comment on their stuff, they’re much more likely, especially as we as we’ve just connected, they’re more likely to be served my content in the first week or so. Because that’s just how LinkedIn works. [Good to know.] And then that just gives me visibility in front of them. And generally, it takes a few quite a few touch points where somebody reaches out to say, actually, we need your help, or we need your support. But it might be with corporates, especially, it could be six months down the road, somebody says in a meeting, you know what I think we need somebody to help us with LinkedIn, I’m going to be top of mind because we’ve had the one to one connection conversation. And I’m, I’m raising my visibility by posting consistently. And also, if I see their content by commenting on it,

Robonzo 16:47
Can you give some examples of the the type of posting that you do that may grab prospective clients attention during those first days or weeks that you mentioned?

Louise Brogan 16:57
Yes, so I, people connect with me and follow me because I share how to use LinkedIn. That’s the whole entire business that I have. So I share content regularly. That may be I’ve actually started doing like a weekly little video, like three or four minute video explaining different pieces of LinkedIn. So this week, I did a video on and where you should add your contact information on LinkedIn. So not just on the contact info button, but also inside your ABOUT SECTION kind of amplifying your message. So I made a little video about that. And this week, and last week, I did a video about I can’t remember something, something along really just how to use LinkedIn. So by being consistent, and showing up with these videos, and writing the post that accompanies with it, to ask a question, so people start to engage with those videos. Interestingly, the text only posts that I write the ask questions, I tend to get 10, 12 comments on a normal post, the video posts, people are actually sharing them to their own network, instead of commenting on them side by side. That’s really interesting. It’s getting in front of a lot more people, but they’re not necessarily commenting underneath the post. But I’m getting a lot of visibility through those posts. It’s interesting.

Robonzo 18:19
Oh that’s interesting. And is your ability to see what’s happening with those part of premium or are you using some other analytics to to learn what’s happening with those?

Louise Brogan 18:27
Everybody can see the analytics on every post that you do. And not, Sorry, you can see the analytics on your posts that you do. So once you’ve put a post and at the bottom of each post, there’s a little graph on the left hand corner, and it will show you and it might say something like new 150 views or 3000 views or whatever, you click on that it opens up a whole pop up window. And it tells you the companies that most people are. So there’s three columns. The first column is what, what organizations are people coming from who are looking at your post. The middle column is the job titles that might say 20% are executive directors, 15% are marketing managers. And then the third column is the cities that they are mainly coming from. And so ranked by percentage. So at the top of that screen, if someone has shared it’ll say two reshares or three reshares. So it’s really fasciating. [Cool.] Yeah, that’s cool.

Robonzo 19:32
Yeah, you probably gather from some of the questions, or maybe having, I don’t know if you’ve seen my LinkedIn profile, that I’m not there a lot. I’d like to be more and I actually advocate it because I know it is becoming a great tool. For me also, like, I’m getting this. It’s hardly, I can hardly even qualify it as a love hate relationship with social now, it’s getting kind of ugly. And predominant, predominantly, you know, Facebook, rightfully or wrong stands at the top of that and I think part of that just because, you know, you get exposed to just a lot of weird things there. I have seen some sadly on LinkedIn as well in the past or recent past, so it’s changed as well. But I do think, yeah, I’m sure you’ll agree that is it is still more sort of message focused, business focused place. [Yeah.] And not not as much a place for opinions that I don’t know, maybe belong on Facebook or something.

Louise Brogan 20:28
I am very good at unfollowing people in my newsfeed Roberto, so don’t disconnect from them because they maybe people who are sharing my content out, and but if people are, like I grew up in Northern Ireland. So we are literally, it’s drummed into us from we’re born. You don’t bring up politics or religion, you just don’t do it in this country. And I think that’s a really good rule to live by, in terms of your social media. So people who are complaining about stuff or talking about politics or whatever, I tend to unfollow them. And unless it’s like, you know, cuz there’s an election coming up or something, and I knew that go back to normal afterwards. But I prefer to have business connections and networks on LinkedIn. I mean, that’s what it’s for.

Robonzo 21:18
Yeah, sure. Sure. I’ve done much of the same, predominantly on Facebook. But my other tactic I know, we’re not talking so much about Facebook here is I have created a link in Firefox. So when I open Firefox there, like some of my most visited things, and my Facebook link goes to one of my pages, so I don’t even, I’m not even going to get hit with anything weird when I first get there. Because otherwise, I have no idea. And it’s you know, it can be such a vortex all of social media, distractionary. So, okay, I’m going a little bit out of order. But I feel like I should ask about the history of your business. And go ahead and tell me also like, what is the core of what you’re trying to do?

Louise Brogan 22:00
Okay, yeah, so I worked as a project manager for years in the health service here in the in the UK. And, and when I had my kids, I knew I wanted to work for myself. So I started doing social media management for other people. Because I’ve always had a love of computers. My, it was IT project management I did, I’ve had an email address since like 1987, or something crazy. And so I’ve always loved computers at tech, all that stuff. So I started helping people with social media, realized pretty fast that I wanted to teach it rather than run accounts for people and I niched down into specifically LinkedIn about two years ago. And when I just realized, like a lot of different reasons came all together came kind of crushing all together. And but I knew I wanted to speak on stages. And to do that, within social media, you need to really pick a niche, and LinkedIn was the niche for me. And I now I work with clients and companies from all over the world, which is wonderful. And, and I work with entrepreneurs and I work with small to medium sized enterprises. I’ve spoken on stages in Los Angeles, actually, and London and Dublin and love love speaking. I mean, kind of when… My podcast is 143 episodes old. [Okay…] it’s like someone’s given me a platform to speak. I’m away.

Robonzo 23:37
Yeah, cool. I was looking at your podcast, by the way, and I didn’t ascertain the number of episodes by looking at it in. I think it was the web, the desktop, Apple podcasts [Yes.] page that kind of shows a listing. So I suppose it might be a little strange the way they’ve got it set up. But anyway, that’s cool 143. I think, so for the morning tempo podcast that we’re doing this for, I’m not even to 50. For the unstarving musician, I’m at 180 ish. So [Excellent.] I feel for you, all the work you put in it’s great. Good job.

Louise Brogan 24:11
I think the, like a lot of podcasters you know, I love I love recording the podcast, then I send it to my editor and it’s all those other bits that I really need to do to promote it as well. We’re all done, because then we’re thinking about. What what are we? Who are we talking to next? What are we talking about next?

Robonzo 24:28
Yeah, exactly.

Louise Brogan 24:29
I lot of my businesses doing podcasts, that’s for sure.

Robonzo 24:33
Yeah, great. They are fun. In this whole, I wasn’t doing video. And prior to the global pandemic here, I had been thinking more and more about it and didn’t start doing what we’re doing in March or anything, And in fact, this is kind of the first handful of episodes where I’m just gonna try different things. You know, initially I had done something with Skype, which presents a unique set of problems, because it just doesn’t have, at least my setup doesn’t have like an automatic video thing where I can get my guest and myself So, but anyway, we’ll see how it goes I am, you know, all my content, like a lot of people, is on YouTube in audio format, I have starting to use transcriptions more. So I’m going to put those on YouTube, which I understand to be very, very, very helpful. But I think what I’m going to do is go with snippets of videos initially, since I don’t do the, although this one would be great. But you know, I get in there with some of the editing and like I was going through one yesterday, that published today for the unstarving musician, and you’re chopping some bits out and I’m like, I just made the video completely different because I cut some bits out of the audio independently of the video. So anyway, this will be easier though, especially since we’re in a 30 minute format. There was another topic you brought up, I was trying to pick one and this from the podcast. And I thought, well, this one looks really interesting to me. And I think I’ve even possibly met Amy Woods in London, maybe? Oh, yeah. Or I’m connected to her. But repurposing your contact for link your content for LinkedIn.

Louise Brogan 26:09

Robonzo 26:11
Do you have anything fresh to tell us about that?

Louise Brogan 26:14
Did you did you meet her? Youpreneur Summit?

Robonzo 26:17
I would have, I would have Yeah.

Louise Brogan 26:19
Okay. Yes. I’ve I went to the first two there was they were fabulous conferences.

Robonzo 26:24
I was there with you for the first one.

Louise Brogan 26:26
Excellent. Oh, my goodness. I wish we were doing that again. It should be on like in the next few weeks. Ah, next year. [Yeah.] Yeah, so repurposing your content. So what I’ve been doing is, I really I found out in the last year, so I actually really love writing blog posts, I just didn’t know that I, I mean I did have a specific focus before. But I’ve discovered I love writing. And what I’ve been doing, I’ve written five articles for Social Media Examiner so far on LinkedIn, and then taking those, cuz because I am like I’m researching the pieces to you to the nth degree. So then turning that into a podcast episode is so simple. And I did one recently on how to use video on LinkedIn. And because it’s literally all written right there in the blog post, it’s really nice and easy to turn that into a podcast episode, which I love. But what I’m doing what I do with my podcast, then is it comes out on the Wednesday. On the Monday or Tuesday, before it comes out, I tend to do a post on LinkedIn, asking my audience about the topic that the podcast is about. This is my my, my strategy for the week for LinkedIn. I do also talk about things on LinkedIn in between. and but say, for example, if I was doing how to sell authentically on LinkedIn, and on the Monday, I might do a poll asking my LinkedIn network, how do you feel about sales on LinkedIn? And, you know, love it, it’s too sleazy, it’s, you know, whatever options you give. That gets the conversation going with my network about sales, then the podcast comes out on the Wednesday. And I say to those people, well, the podcast is out if you want to listen to how we talked about selling authentically. And then on the Friday, I get the guest from the podcast, and we go live on LinkedIn, and talk about that topic. And we pull the questions that people in the discussion points that the people have had, from the two previous posts on LinkedIn that week, and we talk about that on the LinkedIn Live podcast, then LinkedIn live, and gets downloaded and uploaded to YouTube, onto my YouTube channel. So that sounds really like it runs really smoothly, like clockwork, as you know, not quite, but that’s kind of that’s pretty much my strategy. And and it works. I, I like having a strategy for a start. Say, for the first few years, my business wasn’t a lot of strategic direction. So but like all business owners, you learn as you go, don’t you? and you improve and reiterate.

Robonzo 29:04
Yeah, yeah. I love that. And especially like, your mention, because I’ve done something similar with the articles and what you’re doing in conjunction, turning pieces into podcast episodes, I had a very similar experience. And I’m not sure it was in the same order. But I was researching for an article for Forbes, forbes.com for musicians, kind of the the business of, of independent musicians. And I was doing some interviews for these, which were informational gathering interviews, so that the pieces that got published were not interviews, but I used every one of those for a podcast episode a shorter, a different format. And so it was lovely, you know, really, yes.

Louise Brogan 29:42
I mean, you do all that work, you need to use it. Right?

Robonzo 29:46
Exactly. So let’s close with a question about the bee. What’s the story with the bee I really like it in your brand.

Louise Brogan 29:54
So when I was building my business, come coming up with a business idea. Use social media. And I just came up, I just one day I just went social, be social, be creating a buzz about your business. What do I think,? I said to my extended family. What do you think about that? And they’re like, yeah, that sounds great. Let’s do that. That’s where it came from. And then it’s N I for Northern Ireland, but it’s kind of funny because some of my American connections thought it was like the business networking. BNI. So it’s not, it’s bee N I, becausecuz I’m from Northern Ireland.

Louise Brogan 30:30
You know, I had a similar thought. I’m like, No, no, it doesn’t fit. But because I, when you say it, you’re like, oh, B and I, but I don’t know, I figured in the B, I figured out something new. But I didn’t I didn’t get the Northern Ireland part by love it.

Robonzo 30:42
Yeah, nobody does.

Robonzo 30:42
Thank you. Well, hey, you were here to explain it on the podcast. So thank you so much for spending time with me. I will check out your talk at podcast movement. I’ll try to check out both of them. And hopefully live. I’ve been doing some of these things, watching some of them on replay. And I know you were confessing that you had a busy week. And I know how it goes these virtual ones when they have so much content. You know, I have good intention to just focus on it nonstop. But it just doesn’t seem to work out that way.

Louise Brogan 31:10
Yeah. I tell you a secret Roberto, they wanted to have our talk about 10 or 11pm at night in the UK, and I just said that I will be asleep. But nothing I say will make any sense because my brain shuts off about 10pm. So luckily, it’s about quarter to nine in the evening here. So after that, I’ll be just lying in a puddle somewhere, recovering.

Robonzo 31:34
Well, that’s nice. I’m glad to hear that. I look forward to seeing it. And hopefully, I don’t know if you have plans to but, and hopefully it will happen. But I don’t know if you rolled your ticket to Nashville for next year in 2021. I plan to be there and I hope that you will be too.

Louise Brogan 31:48
Well, I hope, I hope I get invited back to speak. That would be awesome.

Robonzo 31:52
That would be great. That’d be great. Well, if you are there you let me know. Yeah, yeah. Thanks a lot. I’ll be in touch with you soon.

Louise Brogan 31:57
Okay, thank you.

Robonzo 31:59

Robonzo 32:02
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Robonzo 32:47
Thanks again for listening. This podcast is made possible by the support of listeners like you. To learn about the different ways that you can support the podcast visit MorningTempo.com/CrowdSponsor. There you can also join the Morning Tempo email list for insiders who want to know what I’m learning from the business owners and entrepreneurs that I speak with and work with, including those you hear on this podcast. Morning Tempo insiders get an occasional email from me, with business insights, recommendations, hacks and anything else I come across that could help you in your creative entrepreneurial journey, and it’s free. And you can unsubscribe at any time.

Robonzo 33:23
If you enjoyed today’s episode, please subscribe wherever you listen to your favorites, with a whole lot of love to my good friend and former bandmate Frank Salazar, who wrote and performed the morning tempo, podcast theme song. Frank, you rock. Ciao for now.

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