My Story
As a kid growing up in Fort Worth, I was really into Batman, Lego (the old-school kind that left you to the devices of your own imagination), Corgi cars, Hot Wheels, comic books, tree-climbing, doodle bugs, GI Joe (w/Kung Fu Grip), monster movies, monster models, masked wrestlers and Cracker Jacks. At around age ten, my mind was blown when I saw The Rolling Stones on TV for the first time. I didn’t know it at the time, but all of these fascinations were ingredients for the fuel that would be come my future interest in music, marketing and technology.
The name Morning Tempo was inspired by a website called Maybe Friday (MaybeFriday.com). I love this website URL, and so wish I’d thought of it first. The website owner is a web designer, engineer, and photographer. You might not get that from the name of her website. What you will gather from her site is that she’s creative.
I very much wanted a business name that didn’t outwardly say anything about technology or art. My hope was that people would draw their own conclusions about the name Morning Tempo, especially those who know me. I ultimately wanted a name around which I could build a brand story. I just so happen to be a drummer and singer. Music performance and collaboration is my Zen.
tempo 1 |ˈtempō|
noun (pl. tempos or tempi |-pē| )
- The speed at which a passage of music is or should be played.
- The rate or speed of motion or activity; pace: the tempo of life dictated by a heavy workload.
Given that “tempo” is a musical term, it made my short list of possibilities. The word “morning” came in part, because I just couldn’t go with a day-of-the-week. Friday was already taken, and neither Wednesday nor Saturday left me feeling very original. Morning ultimately completed the name, because I’m a morning person, a morning ritual person. Morning for me is meditation, reflection, routine, exercise, coffee, and the start of everything each day.
Morning Tempo is an entrepreneurial-minded web, technology, and audio solutions provider. The entrepreneurial side of Morning Tempo comes from my work in tech startups and my interest in living a life that affords me the ability to do the things I love, while helping others who are less fortunate.
My mantra…? Solve problems with a people first mindset.
With love and gratitude,